Thursday, September 29, 2011

Quick Rant: A Non-Farewell to Arms and a Shakespeare Shout-Out

Well I've been on sabbatical for about a month from my journey backwards through The Oscars. Because sociological time travel can take its toll on you. I had watched so many movies from the 50s in close succession that I was coming dangerously close to calling women "doll" and then sharing my cigarette with them whilst ordering around my portrayed-in-a-borderline-racist-way elderly black female maid. Either that or I was taking a few weeks to re-watch all of Fringe, The Vampire Diaries, and Parks and Recreation. You decide. Either way, I'm back now (in black, in the saddle, and in the day). So today I am resuming my quest to watch every Best Picture nominee in history. And lambast them as needed. I'll also throw in some "quick rants" like this one that will deal with things that are very philisophically interesting as pertaining to media. Or that will talk about TV shows with cool explosions. Hopefully both. So keep an eye out tomorrow for my 1954 post, which I promise will contain enough pop culture references and hyperbolic insults to society (both modern and 50s era) that you'll hardly know I'm talking about movies you've never heard about.

I'd also like to take a second to direct you toward a guest piece that I wrote for some friends of mine who put on a great Shakespeare show in New York. They're called The Tempest Ladies and they basically achieve the impossible by putting on a Shakespeare show that I felt like sitting through. Don't be suspicious because of how optimistic I sound in the write-up, it really is me. I do enjoy things on occasion. So give the post and the accompanying trailer a look and check them out if you're in NYC. I'm looking at you, 58 page views from Russia who probably vacation here as Soviet spies on occasion! So anyway, here's the link:

I hope you enjoy, and I will see you back here tomorrow (all 3 and counting of you!) for some 50s craziness.

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