Friday, May 29, 2009

The Caucasia Syndrome Coda (or the Caucoda, if you will)

Ah, as Google the guru has just informed me, Caucasia IS in fact a real place (too bad, I was about to start labeling myself a "Narnian"). It's located in the Caucasus mountains between Europe, Russia, and the Middle East and has upwards of 27 and a half people living there. Well, that puts me in my place. So I guess since a few people live there with the same basic skin tone as me then it's okay to label all Asians as "Chinese" and all Hispanics as "Mexican" right?

Didn't think so (nor should it be so).

Caucasia is also where Prometheus of Greek mythology was chained to the rock where his liver was eaten every day by an eagle and regrown every night so he could again be tormented. All this because he brought fire to mankind. How apropos.

I know my tongue is even farther in my cheek than usual with these two recent posts, but unlike most of the stuff I write about I actually do care about this one a bit. The way I see it, we're the only people who can be labeled as sexists or racists. We're the only people who have to worry about offending other people (basically everyone else in existence). And we also have to just take it because society views this as our comeuppance. I realize that white guys make up the vast percentage of powerful positions both in government and business, but it's not like they have a special Caucasian Decoder Ring that elevates them to those positions (and if they do I'd like to know where mine is). If the best person to run a company is a woman who's black, jewish, and a quadropoligic, then I say give her the job. But don't automatically assume that a white guy who gets the job did so by making the company "an offer it couldn't refuse" either.

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